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10 picturesque and well equipped courses.
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300+ tournaments and event days each year.
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Active Members

1000+ active members and club ambassadors.
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Professional Trainers

10 professional instructors for all levels.
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Golf today

Take Your Game to the Next Level

Play your game hard and try to be aware of what you do. Your life is a kind of sport, don't lose your time, and don't stay away.

Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 22 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 20 PM

James Lee

I have come to love this training! And my private classes with my trainer have been excellent. The time has been invaluable, сool, amusing, and active. I plan to return.

James Lee

Dubravko Bilić

Pozivamo sve bicikliste, hikere, trkače i kayakaše da posjećuju Ludbreg tokom cijele godine i da u Ludbregu pronalaze prostor u prirodi za sebe, prostor za mir, prostor za spajanje sa samim sobom i da odlaze iz Ludbrega sretni, ispunjeni i zadovoljni. Mislim da je ovaj Welcome Spring festival zapravo to i ostvario te da je sve koji su došli učinio zadovoljnima. Stoga, dođite nam opet!

Dubravko Bilić

gradonačelnik Ludbrega
Maja Bonačić

Staza Gravel utrke je predivna. Preporučujem svakome da dođe. Nije preteška, a ni preduga. Blato je malo začinilu cijelu stvar. Al sve u svemu bilo nam je super i pozivam sve da dođu na sljedeći festival.

Maja Bonačić

Pobjednica Gravel utrke 2022.
Our team

Meet Our Team

If you want to learn how to play golf, our professionals are always ready to make you fall in love with golf and teach you how to play at a high level in a short time.